Recommendations to Bac students ( 6 ) and the last.

The last part in the grammar section is functions. You are used to : expressing opinion, advice, agreement, disagreement, apologizing, sympathizing, congratulating, contrast& concession, cause & effect, expressing purpose. Each of these functions has its own expressions. The task here is usually a matching exercise; so, all you have to do is scan for the word or words that express the function, and go ahead.
The last part of your exam is the writing section. This skill is the most challenging skill and frightening skill for students. There is no panacea; but, don’t surrender. Try first to find a relationship with what you studied with your teachers in class. You may connect the topic to one or more units of your textbook. Storm your brain to remember any related ideas that have direct or indirect connection. Try to jot down an outline for your writing. If it’s an article, don’t forget that an introduction is tantamount in importance to your conclusion. Be systematic, recall the vocabulary and expressions related to the topic. After the first draft, try to edit your writing; focus on grammar, spelling, punctuation, cohesive devices ( try to use what you learned in functions; they will make your essay look better. The presentation of your writing is essential. And don’t forget to write in a legible way.
Good luck, the exam is next week. Collect your strength, pray Allah for help and go ahead.
I hope both students and teachers have benefited from this series of recommendations. And sorry for any mistakes due to my hurry.
I wish that teachers of English in the regional academy of oujda could get in touch through this site: oujdacity; let’s take use of it and exchange experience and knowledge. Believe me, you’ll find a lot of fun in writing and a lot lot of benefits both for brushing up on your language and learning from others’ views and experiences. Thanks a lot. I’ll appreciate if you comment.
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mon ami essai un pei de ecrire en arabe pour que les gens comprend ceque tu dit ok