Home»International»I HOPE THIS 2015 BE PEACEFUL



I’m against killing foreign people in Arab’s states. Islam is innocent of killing under its name; it is a religion of mercy, tolerance, and coexistence. In a verse in Koran we read that God is clement and merciful towards His entire creature, namely the believer, and the disbeliever. Whoever comes to life is right to live in it freely, disregarding his religion. None has to force the other to follow a religion ,we have minds to choose what we like, a verse says that God created us nations and tribes to know each other, which means to help each other, you attack only who aggresses you ,and if you prefer forgiveness is better in the sight of Allah , as long as the man is peaceful no use to attack him, whatever may be his creed, it’s God who knows hearts not we, and it’s God Who punishes and rewards , God Has not send swords from the sky ,but he sent words to convince minds with mental poofs,
who is mindful can find out the reality, only by meditation and thinking into this wonderful universe.

He has not sent us in this planet to kill each other, or humiliate each other too. He ordered us to respect one another, to respect even animals.

He has made the Hereafter only to judge between mankind justly; the most forbidden sin in His Sight is to kill a soul. What we are doing in this earth is shameful, and gross.

The suffering some are causing to children, to women, and aged people is hideous, it’s too hard for hearts to bear. Wars are prevailing all over the world ,above all the Arabic one; aren’t this ugly views we are seeing every moment shocking?

When can we get up a morning, and see no killing in this world?

How many children are sleeping on snow, and hunger is tearing their stomachs?  Where is the mercy of hearts that Allah has put in them?

Hearts are getting hard and hard, until they become schools of mercilessness.

Living in such a world is becoming undesirable, we come here to help one another to overcome difficulties, and hardship, what some are doing is against what is human. We come here to make even animals happy, what about men like us.

How don’t you want that there would have been no hell? Who is going to punish those are killing people massively? It’s not a jail that is equal to these crimes, but an eternal hell, where in who is killing children, causing misery will be crying for help eternally uselessly. All the number of people those are being killed are going to question their killer in front of Allah, where there will be no helper nor a protector.

We are all from Adam and Eve ,and every life has its evening, so determine where your sun will set by what you are doing.

Being merciful towards Allah’s creature is great in His sight; causing pain to them is mean in His Sight.

Hence I advise myself and yours to be peace maker in life, and to let souls live until they leave, hoping that this new year, 2014 will bring with it another atmosphere of peace, reconciliation, and prosperity for all this worlds people disregarding their religion and skin, to release life of these tragedy, and make happiness be instead of it .


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